Aloe tororoana

OriginTororo Rock, Uganda
PublishedReynolds, Flowering Plants of Africa 29(3): t. 1144 (1953)

This species is endemic to the Tororo district in eastern Uganda, from which it derives its name. It was first discovered there on bare rock surfaces by Henry C. Dawkins, a British botanist who spent many years in Uganda as a forest ecologist. Subsequently, Swiss botanist Peter R. O. Bally collected more samples, from which Reynolds gathered enough information to first publish it in 1953 ​[1]​.

Despite the region being very close to the equator, temperatures are generally mild due to its elevation at over 4000 ft. Springs are generally wet, and summers are very dry.

Part of the Great Rift Valley, the region is mountainous; many species from the area can be found hanging from cliffs or stone outcrops ​[2]​, which may explain the plant’s decumbent stem—it generally hugs the ground, but curves upward.

Perhaps the most unique feature of Aloe tororoana is the perianth of its flowers, which is slender and mostly coral red, but topped with distinctive green tips. The inflorescence can be simple, or have a couple branches in more mature plants.

Leaves are long, curvy, and thick, and stay lush green even in full sun. Teeth along the margins are sharp, wide, and distinct.

Physical Characteristics

Inflorescence16 in. tall
PerianthCoral red, green tips
StemCaulescent, decumbent
Typical Diameter12 in.
Typical Height12 in.
Flowering SeasonFall


  1. [1]
    S. Carter, J. J. Lavranos, L. E. Newton, and C. C. Walker, Aloes: The Definitive Guide. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2011.
  2. [2]
    T. Campbell-Barker, “Notes on Aloes and Other Succulent Vegetation of Malawi,” The Society of Malawi Journal, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 1–20, 1998.