The Dahlia has been the official flower of San Francisco since 1926, and a whole garden is dedicated to this leafy tuber at Golden Gate Park. The flowers reach full bloom in late summer—the perfect time for seeing thousands of these colorful flowers together in one plot.
WHEREAS, in its versatility, its beauty, its infinite variety of color and form, it is the very symbol of San Francisco life and of the spirit of her people; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Dahlia be and it is here designated the official flower of San Francisco.
Mayor James Rolph, San Francisco City Resolution of 1926
The garden is located just to the east of the Conservatory of Flowers. It consists of a central oval section, plus an expanded plot up the neighboring hill.
Dahlias are classified into 14 groups, most of which are represented here. Most of the plants are hybrids originating from around the world.