Aloe burgersfortensis

OriginBurgersfort, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa
PublishedReynolds, Journal of South African Botany 2:31 (1936)

Aloe burgersfortensis is a maculate Aloe with large variation from one specimen to another. It is also very similar to other maculate Aloes; in fact, Glen and Hardy treats it as synonymous with Aloe parvibracteata ​[1]​.

The species is named after the area of Burgersfort in the Mpumalanga province in South Africa, where it was first collected. It is still commonly found in river valleys in the region, usually in sandy soils and under shade at elevations of 3000 to 4000 ft. ​[2]​. Perhaps because of this, the plant can tolerate colder temperatures, down to 23°F ​[3]​.

Like the natural specimens, ones in cultivation tend to turn greener in shade. In full sun, the leaves turn dull red, with tips becoming more dried. The leaf margins show sharp, distinct, red-tipped teeth. Leaf surfaces are heavily spotted.

The plant flowers in the early winter, with pinkish red flowers on inflorescences that can reach 4 ft. tall. It grows mainly in the summer, but because there is much variability between specimens, some may grow well into the winter season in warmer climates.

Physical Characteristics

Inflorescence48 in. tall
PerianthPinkish red, 1 in. long
Typical Diameter24 – 30 in.
Typical Height12 in.
Flowering SeasonEarly winter
Growing SeasonSummer


  1. [1]
    D. S. Hardy, H. F. Glen, and G. Germishuizen, “ALOACEAE,” Flora of Southern Africa, vol. 5, p. 17, 2000.
  2. [2]
    S. Carter, J. J. Lavranos, L. E. Newton, and C. C. Walker, Aloes: The Definitive Guide. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2011.
  3. [3]
    B.-E. van Wyk and G. F. Smith, Guide to the Aloes of South Africa, 3rd ed. Pretoria: Briza Publications, 2014.